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Shrubs to attract birds in the garden

hi what are the best shrubs for attracting birds into garden , preferably ones that flower and will do OK in shade. 


Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja

Hi - what style garden do you have and what ultimate size are you looking for?  I personally think you can’t go wrong with natives, but if you can give a little bit more detail that will help. Sam

Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja

Hi @jolenny

Sam's (@sam) message would help us provide a bit more guidance for you. As you may be aware there are hundreds of different genus and species of shrub.

3 Shrub Genus/species to get you started for those general conditions would be:

  • Hebe 'Mrs Winder' (see image below)
  • Sarcococca confusa (Sweetbox)
  • Rhododendron impeditum (Dwarf purple Rhododendron)

This video guide from my own 'Exploding Atom Garden' may also help explain a bit more about shrubs and placement.

Happy Gardening!


hi thanks for replying,  I'm in between styles of modern country and pirarie.  I love ornamental grasses but would like small to medium size shrubs, evergreens that would attract birds . hope that helps 

thanks jo

Hello Jo,
I don't think there are many shrubs that will attract birds, trees that produce berries will,  flowering shrubs will attract pollinators, trees like Hawthorn provide small birds with safety, you could try growing Ivy up a wall or trellis, Ivy once thickened up it makes a good nesting site also bugs like it, and birds like bugs! or get a holly tree, let it grow to the size you require then cut the top off and your left with a holly shrub.

As you like grasses, have a look at Teasel, not a shrub but Goldfinches like the seeds, and you can just leave it over winter as their framework can look pretty good. The other way is to cheat, buy some shrubs you like and once in position buy your self a bird feeder that is on a pole and stick this in the ground just by the shrub, NOT to low because of cat predation.

Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja

Cotoneaster and specifically I like the franchetii shrub variety that can be kept to whatever size you like by trimming. Red currant and Buffalo currant, Pheasant berry and Aronia melanocarpa also have berries that birds like to eat. Maybe elder flower might be another option but it depends how much space you have available as they can grow fairly big.

Happy gardening!

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