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How to remove Meadow grass in lawn

Hi all, new to site . I have a small lawn but have a lot of  short grass with lots of seed heads. When pulled the roots are short and lots of dead bits which is creating thatch.

Thinking of scarifying , reseeding and topdressing but to be honest I do this every other year and this grass seems to take hold more and more.

any help or recommendations would be appreciated.

it’s a circular lawn about  20 ft in diameter?  




Hello Jamesk, 

What I think may be happening is, when you are scarifying your lawn, you are just cutting into all the in situ meadow grass and re-distributing it's seeds all over your lawn.

What needs to happen is the removal of all perrenial weeds, all meadow grass, couch grass anything growing that you do not want in your lawn.

Then scarify the complete area, length  ways, side ways and diagonally, if needed use scarifier blades instead of tines, rake out all the rubbish that's left if the scarifier hasn't a collection bag, and then you can concentrate on the top dressing re- seeding etc.


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