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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, it's a safe place to ask garden-related questions for garden design or planting. If you have a problem in your garden or need help, this is the Garden Forum for you!

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sowing a wildflower meadow

I’ve got some wildflower seeds and yellow rattle seeds ready to sow to make a small wildflower meadow patch in my garden. Iwill be sowing them now to come up next spring. do they need to be protected from birds, and if so, for how long?

Hi @julian34

Thanks for your question wildflower meadows. 

When sowing yellow rattle you’re usually sowing it into grass to reduce its vigor so you don’t need to protect it from birds. The video below will show you how to sow and grow yellow rattle. 


If creating your first meadow from bare earth you will need to protect from birds. The best way is bamboo canes and string tied in a random cross cross fashion with some plastic bags tied to them. 

Hope that helps!


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