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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

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Lawn issue

Hi everyone, I'm Christine & new to the Forum today.... I live in Scotland. I have a small garden which I love working in as often as I can & also have a small lawn at the front of the house which over the past few day's & for the first time ever has been attacked by magpies. They have been tearing up odd patches of grass which now looks as if I've been scarifying in the early hours of the morning! I read that garlic/mint work pretty well as a repellant so I finely chopped some fresh mint leaves & sprinkled over the area's of grass worse for wear. However now a bit concerned that maybe not the best thing to do as mint can be a bit of a thug in garden once it gets a hold. I know mint can be propogated from cuttings & this may sound a bit of a daft question but is there a possibility that my actions could result in these chopped up mint leaves taking root at some point in my lawn???.....I hope not!

Thank you & apologies for long winded question

Hi @chris

Welcome to the Garden Ninja forum!

I doubt the mint would root but it is very vigorous and it must be painful applying that to the lawn.

It sounds like they're digging up chafer grubs or something that's now emerging from your lawn! You can read more on chafer grubs here. So it may be best to treat that rather than the symptoms of magpies. Try nematodes as an effective way.

Also, make sure you check out my YouTube channel for hundreds of video guides if you haven't already!

Hope that helps!


Thanks Lee for quick reply and advice. That's a relief!... will go the nematode route as you suggested

Thanks again 

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