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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, it's a safe place to ask garden-related questions for garden design or planting. If you have a problem in your garden or need help, this is the Garden Forum for you!

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To dilute or not to dilute neem oil for plants?

Hi Lee..I posted on here a couple of weeks ago, regarding problems I'm having with my Forest Flame and you suggested Neem Oil. I have bought some and just wanted to ask you if I spray it directly onto the leaves/plant itself, or does it have to be diluted first? Also, is it best to spray the leaves or water the plant at the base so that the roots absorb the neem oil?

Hi @my-tiny-garden

Great question about neem oil to help rid your plants of pests or fungus. You only want to apply it to the leaves, where it will help kill off fungus or pests. Its a contact organic pesticide. So it has to make contact with the bugs or fungus. Don't water it in as it won't have any effect.

The best way to mix neem oil for application on plants.

  • Use a spray bottle
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of neem oil with 1lt of water in the bottle
  • Add a squirt of washing up liquid to bind the two together
  • Shake vigorously to mix the solution (and each time before you use it)
  • Label the bottle so you know what's in it
  • Apply to the plant every week or two depending on the severity of fungus or infection of pests

There you go!

Happy spraying with the eco-friendly neem oil.


My tiny garden has reacted to this post.
My tiny garden

Thanks for that Lee. I'll keep you posted on the plants progress (hopefully if it survives). Unfortunately nothing will be getting sprayed on today, as we have torrential rain and wind here in Yorkshire 🙄🌧️🌬️

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