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Rhododendron looking very poorly - please help!

Over 20 years ago I was given a Rhododendron in a pot which did quite well in the pot, flowering really consistently but was ultimately only growing to about 5 feet tall due to the limitations of being in a pot. A couple of years ago our gardener transplanted it from the pot, including the soil in the pot and for the first few years it did OK in the garden but the last few years it's looked extremely poorly indeed. It doesn't get much direct sun but is in a similar place in the garden to the pot where it did OK. It's on the north side of a fence. It would be a pity to lose the plant completely as it's got sentimental value. Based in Edinburgh. Pictures taken a week ago.


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Hi @siliconglen

Thanks for your question. Looking at the pictures, it looks like it's been quite severely pruned, which has left some dead branches. It also looks like because it has been weakened, it's being nibbled by something that often happens to weak plants.

When to prune Rhododendrons

Rhododendrons should, for the most part, only be sparingly pruned after they have flowered. I.e. in June in the UK and Scotland. This prevents dieback and also ensures your pruning doesn't reduce the vigour of the Rhododendron too much.

Always make your cuts at a 45-degree angle away from a bud, or take the cut right back to the next bud. In your example, cuts have been made halfway down laterals with no bud, meaning they will die back and become unproductive.

I'd give your Rhododendron a good mulch of peat-free compost and even some specialist Rhododendron feed, which is specific for acidic-loving plants. Lastly, hold off from any more pruning or your gardener's pruning as well!

Do let us know how you get on!

Lee Garden Ninja

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