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Olive Tree - losing leaves and planter advice!

Hi all!

Last summer I rescued an olive tree from my garden. It was originally a knee high standard from outside of Tesco, that I had planted in the border where it shot up to around 9 feet tall! Unfortunately, nearby shrubs and a rambling rose swamped it leaving large bare areas on the tree that were hidden from the light. 
I made the decision to dig it up and pot it so that I could home it in full sun. I did so and cue a few weeks of panic where it shed 50% of its leaves! Gladly the shedding ceased and I can see some new growth emerging. 

As you will see from the photo it is in a modest, plastic planter and I don’t see that as it’s forever home. 
Please could anyone suggest a more appropriate size and material I should use? I am not looking for height, just thicker foliage. 
Thanks ☺️ 

Hi @courtyardgarden

Wow what a burst of energy your Olive tree has out on! The reason your Olive tree has rocketed up without too much side growth is as you say lack of light. All plants will seek light and put on growth to find it. Let's start by addressing why its dropped its leaves and how you can make this Olive tree full and bushy again.

Why has my recently potted olive tree shed leaves?

Olive trees are notoriously delicate to move once they have been repotted. They get upset quite easily, and in the case of lifting one from the ground into a container, they will often drop their leaves as a protective measure, especially if lifted during the growing season which is April to September in the UK.

They do this to limit the amount of water transpiration (loss of water) the tree experiences so it doesn't dry out. They usually recover, but this shedding is a form of transplant shock and is not good for the tree's long-term health. It's best to move Olives in winter when they are dormant.

How to make my olive tree grow more leaves further down the stems

The best way to give your Olive a boost in terms of leaves is to give it a good prune right now. This reduces the amount of effort it needs to sustain itself and will form a bud to break lower down. It may sound brutal, but aim to remove 1/3 of the overall height and side shoot length of this Olive. That way, buds will break, and it will grow far more leaves. If it is left as it is, it's going to continue to grow vertically and become top-heavy, probably falling over and damaging itself.

Cut it back to an outward-facing bud, removing, say, 3ft of growth. It may feel harsh, but this is the best way to ensure its survival and control its growth. Don't forget pruning encourages growth!

What size pot for my olive tree?

The bigger the better, as they hate being moved, as you've experienced! I'd definitely look for a 25-litre pot as a minimum of a tree of this size. Add plenty of grit and peat free compost to act as a boost to give it the nutrients it needs. You can find out more on plant feeds here too.

Olive trees need a balanced NPK fertilizer, something like 7:7:7. See my video below, which explains more.

Let us know how you get on!

All the best

Lee Garden Ninja


Thank you so much! That is really useful and I will give it a try. 
It always feels counter intuitive to prune so hard but (gulp) here goes! 
I will report back in a few months.



Sorry - follow up question!

I would prefer a terracotta pot but, for the size needed, the price is currently prohibitive. 

Will it matter I use a different material - say resin, plastic or half barrel?

Many thanks, 


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