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Citrus trees dropping leaves in greenhouse?

Hi, I'm new on here today, we live in Shrewsbury and have a large well established garden with a number of fruit trees, a small greenhouse (10 x 8ft) and a garden studio where my wife produces miracle drawings of all types of plants and animals (see her at oneillanimalart. com) :-). 

The main reason that I decided to act today is as follows;  We have three citrus trees in pots, two lemon and one lime, all around 2ft in height.  They are all over three years old and we keep them on the East facing patio during the summer and take them into the greenhouse (unheated) during the winter.  They have thrived very well until now but they all look as though they are dying, leaves drying out and falling, could it be just the strange weather that we've had this year?  I've been watering then very occasionally, not excessively, with Citris winter feed.  Any ideas?

Many Thanks for any advice....

TheGardener09 has reacted to this post.

Hi Merlinius,

make sure your trees are not in a draught, not over or under watered in their dormant period, the lowest temperature really is about 10c, and it will not do my harm to wrap some fleece around them, should they be in a cold area.

Merlinius has reacted to this post.

Hello there and welcome to the forum! It sounds like you have a lovely garden with lots of interesting features.

Regarding your citrus trees, it's possible that the strange weather this year could be a contributing factor to their decline. However, there are a few other things that could be causing the problem as well. Firstly, it's important to make sure that your trees are not getting too much water, as this can cause root rot and other issues. On the other hand, not getting enough water can also be problematic. It's a delicate balance!

Another thing to consider is whether the trees are getting enough sunlight. Citrus trees need plenty of direct sunlight in order to thrive, so if they are in a shady area this could be causing issues.

Finally, it's worth checking for any pests or diseases that could be affecting your trees. Sometimes even the smallest infestation can cause significant damage.

I hope this helps! Best of luck with your garden, and please let us know how your trees fare.

Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja
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