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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, it's a safe place to ask garden-related questions for garden design or planting. If you have a problem in your garden or need help, this is the Garden Forum for you!

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Greenhouse base

Hi, I’m new to this forum and would like to ask what other members would recommend as a base for a green house? Our greenhouse is a combi with a shed attached which needs a concrete slab as a base. As we need to be able to wheel a mower from the shed through the greenhouse a concrete path at least would make life easier. Is it ok to just extend the slab for the greenhouse or should the greenhouse have an alternative floor? A quick answer would be appreciated as we have a digger on hire right now!


Hi @schofe56

Thanks for your question on greenhouses. If you haven’t already read my guide to putting a greenhouse up yourself then this humorous article would be on interest.  

Sounds fine and standard practice to have your greenhouse floor paved or slabbed. In fact it’s much easier to clean and retains the heat more than gravel or simple soil. 

Just double check the width of your greenhouse staging. If you plan to have it on both sides so there’s enough width for the mower to be wheeled in and out. 

Below is a handy guide for when it’s up for growing tomato’s too! 🥷😉🌿


Happy paving!


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