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Dicentra query

Hi all.....as you will see from my attached photo, my Dicentra is flowering beautifully. I have heard that once the flowers die off and the stems turn yellow, these can be cut back and this will encourage a second growth spurt and more flowers. Can anyone confirm whether or not this is correct?




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Hello my Tiny Garden,

  • I can only offer advice on what I do with my bleeding heart, when the flowers look passed their sell by date, I pinch off individually, when the stems yellow I cut them right back, again individually if needed, but once all the stems take on that yukky yellow colour, I cut right back to the base, I have never had a grow back in the same year, my plant is in a shady dryish spot, so I do keep the soil moist, your plant looks lovely by the way, whatever your doing keep doing it?


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My tiny garden
  1. Thanks Bob, I've never tried pinching the dead flowers off individually, I've always left it until the whole stem is yellow, then cut it back. I'm going to do as you said and then keep a close eye on it and see if any new growth emerges. It seems to like where it is anyway, which is against an east facing fence, so it must have the right balance of sun and shade.
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