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Beginners’ question on hellebores

Hello all
I’m a complete novice and have moved into a house with a beautifully established garden. There are hellebores everywhere (I understand they self-seed?) - but I’m not sure if I’m meant to do anything with them? They don’t all flower - can I do anything to improve that? Should I be pulling some out?? I’ve attached a photo just to give an idea. Many thanks for any help.

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Hi @wendywoo

Good to hear from you again!

The great thing with hellebores is that they winter flower and yes they do self seed creating plants for free so I'd leave them unless they are in your way!

The other beauty is they have evergreen foliage which helps pad out borders throughout the year. So I would leave them be until you've seen them flower!

When do hellebores flower uk?

Hellebores tend to flower between Christmas and spring in the UK. Often providing scent, pollen and flowers when other plant types are fast asleep!

Hope that helps


Thanks so much for replying Lee!

Perfect - no attention needed - my kind of plant!! 🙂


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