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Acer Griseum suitability for a small garden?

I see this species passing by a lot on social media with the message that it's a really good tree to have in a (small) garden. I'm considering to plant one this fall, but before I do I wanted to check if anyone maybe has one in their garden and had any problems with it? 

I live in Belgium and the tree would be placed in full sun (it will probably catch sun whole day long). The specific issue that comes to my mind with acers and sun, is leaf scorch, so I wonder if Acer Griseum is also susceptible to it. I couldn't find a clear answer on the internet. The tree would be planted in honour of the birth of my daughter, so it would be a pity if the tree would die (or look bad every summer) because of planting it in a wrong place.

Please share any thoughts or experiences you have with this tree.

Hi @bart

Thanks for your question about Acer griseum, it often features in my top ten small garden trees.

Unlike other Acers that do get scorched in full sun Acer griseum is far tougher in my experience. However, you do need to keep it out of wind tunnels or real exposure. I.e. it won't be good in a coastal garden where the leaves and bark get stripped by cold winds.

Another lovely decorative small garden tree that may be good as a way of marking your daughter is Malus 'Everest' the decorative crab apple in a multistem form. Its fruits and shape make for a gorgeous specimen and you can make jelly from the fruits something you could do with your daughter later in life. It also has fab spring blossoms.

There's also my latest guide below on how to successfully plant a tree to help give you some more confidence.

Hope that helps!


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