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Trees for autumn colour

Hi Lee and fellow gardeners.

I'm hoping someone can help me. I have spent so long researching for a smallish tree for my garden, and finally came across a beautiful Sorbus Olympic Flame, although I've since found out the flowers have a very pungent and not particularly nice scent and attract flies. I wanted to attract wildlife, birds and bees etc but not so keen on smelly flowers and flies 😢. 

I'm now back to the drawing board again and just seem to be going in constant circles. 

I would love it to have all year round interest but top of my list is the autumnal leaf colour. I don't want anything that takes up too much room and is capable of being kept at a reasonably small size e.g. 3x2 metres maybe.

I am based in Suffolk so we usually have a mild winter here. My garden is north facing and has sandy soil but the place where it would be planted gets a good 6 hours plus of sun from now until late summer.

Any help would be very gratefully appreciated.


Hi @claireloui79

Try Sorbus 'Joseph Rock' instead. It's a super well-behaved small Sorbus without the unpleasant smell.

Also check out my guide to the top 10 small garden trees for more suggestions here.

Happy Gardening!


claireloui79 has reacted to this post.

Fab thanks for your reply Lee 😀.  I will give this a look.

Thank you 

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