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Pieris Pruning

Hi Lee

I've had a Pieris for several years and, over time, it's got really leggy. It never flowers. I would appreciate some advice on how to best care for it, how to prune it and if I can get it to grow at the bottom again. Also, some of the leaves have some black spots. I've tried to take those off and have sprayed it with detergent and water. Any other suggestions? Thanks very much. Diane


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Hi @diane-g

What a lovely looking Pieris! Pieris are super slow growing evergreen shrubs which do sometimes flower in the right conditions.

When it comes to pruning Pieris or 'Flame of the Forest' the best way to do it is little by little each year. They don't regenerate quickly on old brown wood you see. So pruning always needs to be cautious and light touch.

As with all pruning prune Pieris with clean sharp secateurs and take out:

  • Any damaged diseased or crossing branches back to the next clean healthy stem
  • Snip off anything growing in the way
  • Tidy up any congested areas
  • Always cut at a 45-degree angle just above a bud or leaf, like the picture shows below
  • Other than that leave them alone!

I actually find the shape of yours rather gorgeous, and adds some height to the garden. To get growth at the base you would need to hard prune it back to the ground which would then take forever to regenerate, so that wouldn't be my advice. Make I suggest rather than pruning it hard back the ground you underplant it with some shade loving plants like the ones here? Maybe then also add some spring bulbs too?

As for the black spots, it could be black spot from a nearby rose. I wouldn't worry too much about it they are tough as old boots. Maybe give the Pieris a good autumn mulch to boost its vigour.

Hope that helps?


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