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designing a garden round a mobile home

There are quite a few restrictions around mobile homes.   Anyone else come across this?

I do have a fence around my garden, but not a good idea to plant up against the home due to access for underneath the home and maintenance (i.e. painting outside house to keep it watertight).

I'm also getting a bit older and want a easier to maintain garden, albeit I like the wildlife in the garden (bar slugs and snails) and am a bit of a plantaholic.  


Boaz456 has reacted to this post.

Hi @mostevens

Thanks for your question. Designing around mobile homes and caravans can be challenging due to a number of restrictions:

  • Space
  • Height
  • Access to water
  • Limited ground space or soil
  • Hardstanding such as paving or gravel

My advice having designed a couple of motorhome gardens is to consider the following points or tips.

  • Use containers or raised beds for your planting - this brings height and means that on paved areas you can still include some greenery. Ensure the containers can be moved if you ever relocate by having them on wheels or easily movable by two people
  • Always fill containers will compost never soil as it's far lighter for the containers and retains moisture better
  • Consider plants that can thrive in drought. As for periods of the year you may not be there to water them if you have to leave the site for a short period each calendar year.
  • Consider height with small trees or standards but also exposure. Making sure pots are heavy enough to stop them from blowing over.
  • Always be considerate of other neighbours' views and not blocking light.

Have a watch of my guide below on how to plant a flower bed which also may provide some guidance.

Happy gardening.


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